







Few people, lay or professional, realize that (1) breathing directly regulates body chemistry, including pH and electrolyte balance, (2) dysfunctional breathing can rapidly and profoundly disturb fundamental body biochemistry, (3) chronic dysfunctional breathing habits can directly compromise diverse physiological systems, and (4) breathing is a behavior and as such may become dysfunctional based on the same principles of learning as any other behavior.

Our mission is to bring together these considerations in ways that enable colleague professionals, from diverse disciplines, to assist the millions who have unwittingly learned breathing habit patterns that compromise physiology and trigger, perpetuate, and cause symptoms and deficits of all kinds, a problem affecting as many as 60 million or more Americans.

Our mission is to train experienced practitioners and established third-party providers how to design, organize, and implement a program to provide breathing learning services based on the integration of biological and behavioral principles relevant to the self-management of dysfunctional breathing habits, i.e., a client-centered learning paradigm for improving individual health and performance.